You’re told you need an SR22/SR-22…now what?
What’s an SR22?
An SR-22, or SR22, is a simple a document that gets submitted to the state on your behalf by your car insurance carrier. It’s important if you need it because it’s a tattletale notice that lets the state know that you’re fulfilling your requirements for maintaining car insurance/financial responsibility…and if you don’t. It lets the requiring state know that you have the minimum (or better) limits of car insurance and that you’re keeping your coverage in force.
In other words: An SR-22 is a document, on file with your state, proving you have car insurance that meets at least the minimum coverages required by law. In Virginia (or Florida), you may need an FR-44, which is like an SR-22, but requires more liability coverage.
SR22/SR-22 Facts
Ø An SR-22 is not a “type” of insurance, but rather an easy-to-get filing. You’ll still hear many folks call it SR22 insurance but that is not accurate. There are a few car insurance companies that won’t provide an SR22, but most will.
Ø The Department of Motor Vehicles [DMV] of the State that requires it will tell you how long you’re required to carry it. It can also be known as a “Certificate of Financial Responsibility,” “SR-22 Bond,” or “SR-22 Form.”
Ø You can live in one state and still be required to carry an SR22 for another state.
Ø If you own one or more vehicles, they must be listed on the SR22. If you do not own a vehicle but still need an SR22 to get your driving privileges back in good graces, you may qualify for a “Non-Owner” policy with an SR22.
Ø If you do not keep your car insurance in force for the required time, your SR-22 is cancelled and you can be re-suspended or re-revoked. They issue a follow-up filing, an SR26, that cancels the SR22.
Who needs an SR22?
An SR-22 is required when you’re in an accident or convicted of a traffic offense where couldn’t show proof of car insurance or financial responsibility for the date of the incident. You might need an SR22 if you were/are:
- Involved in an accident, at-fault or not-at-fault, and do not have insurance.
- Caught driving without car insurance (i.e., pulled over for taillight, stop sign, etc.).
- Found with repeat traffic offenses or too many tickets in a short amount of time.
- Convicted of a DUI or DWI, or any serious moving violation.
You’ll also need an SR22 if your Driver’s License is revoked or suspended for any of the above reasons.
It’s not a mystery. It’s just a filing. They’re typically not expensive, themselves; but if you’ve racked up a lot of incidents and haven’t maintained insurance, it can get expensive overall. That’s why it’s good to find an agent that helps you shop the rates to find the best one for your circumstances.
If you need help shopping the best rates for car insurance or SR22, contact Solo Insurance® online or call 800-207-7656.
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